DIVISIONS:    18+ 28+ 38+ 48+ 58+


Austin Metro Baseball League

Austin Metro Baseball League will be holding try-outs for the 2025 season on Sunday, February 2nd and Sunday, February 9th at Anderson High School located at 8403 Mesa Drive. Registration begins at 11:00 am and try-outs start promptly at 12:00 noon. Try-outs will be for the 18+, 28+, 38+, 48+ and 58+ divisions respectively. For pre-registration, go to the "Rules and Forms" link listed above and fill out the Player Waiver and Participation Contract and email to League President Michael Lucas. There is a $10.00 cash registration fee due at time of try-outs.

If you would like to join and play in a Men's Adult Baseball League that is the largest in Austin, has the best competition, one that plays on college and top rated high school fields and has the best umpires around, then this is the league for you. The 2025 season will be Austin Metro Baseball League's 36th year! We are a franchise of MSBL/MABL National, the best amateur baseball in the world! For more information, you may contact League President Michael Lucas via email at mlucas@bfrench.com and leave your name, age, positions played, phone number and best time to reach you.

2024 Champions


18+ Division Champions - Statesmen

Back Row Left to Right:John Docherty, Trevor Sams, Anthony Hancock, Nestor Bellorin, Jonny Furman, Clay Davis, Monty Maley, Jarrett Wynne, Jack Englemann

Front Row Left to Right:Trevor Platt, Eric Baumgart, Michael Arriaga Jr., Seth Levario, Jonathan Selvera, Abrahan Morales

Not Pictured: Alec Eskenazi, Blake Kolberg, Josh Brunsmann, Mario Hernandez, Ben Kolar, Frank Deesing

28+ Division Champions - Generals

Back Row Left to Right: Nick Komar, Ike Fanuiel, Emmett Hufstedler, Nick Vautrin, Jojo Flores, Cameron Caldwell, Michael Arriaga

Front Row Left to Right: Alex Carrasquillo, Derek Culver, Brodie Hallford, Daniel Souza, Ryan Carney, Rico Garza

Not Pictured: Fred Carrasquillo, Aaron Homan, Brandon Buckli, Brian Dexheimer, Erik Ernevad, Forrest Hellenbrand, Ivan Martin, Jesse Hall, Mark Brown, Paul Wallace, Rob Rodriguez, Tyler Roberts

38+ Division Champions - Royals

Back Row Left to Right: Dustin Martin, Darren Metzger, Tyson Spring, Eddie Alvarado, Joel Cuellar, Ernie Alvarado, Tom Braband, Bernabe Rivero, Phil Brown, Tom Fugate

Front Row Left to Right: Michael Duck-Lombardo, Brett Gissler, Ed Vigil, Scott Hoffman, Omar Lara

Not Pictured: Brandon Dutra, Alberto Montoya, Jeff Easton, Jeffrey Doege, Carlo Salerno, Bruce Tria, Jason Wheaton

48+ Division Champions - Bears

Back Row Left to Right:

Front Row Left to Right:

Not Pictured:

58+ Division Champions - Colt 45s

Back Row Left to Right: Jerry Davis, Hal Moore, Steve Mahany, Malcolm Latham, Kerry Storer, Porter Maddox, Kevin Craig, Garry Hackleman

Front Row Left to Right: Dennis Launarey, Ed Ferguson, Kyle Johnson, Guillermo Viramontes, Chris Crombar, Roger Ferris, Paul Saenz

Not Pictured: Jack Alberti, Mike Anderson, Steve Burgess, Phil Underwood